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God's Last Messenger?

There are great contradictions between the Bible and the Quran. The stories of the Quran are distorted stories of the Bible.


Chapter 7: What shall you do with Jesus Christ? - More Materials

Page 2 of 3: More Materials

More Materials

For more information about Islam and Christianity
order these books and videos:

  1. Islam, Muhammad and the Quran
  2. Is the Messiah God?
  3. Muslim-Christian Debate in Canada (2 hour video)
  4. Radical differences between Christianity and Islam (video)
  5. Basic principles for successful witnessing to Muslims (video)
  6. Answering Muslims’ Questions and Objections (video)
  7. The uniqueness of Jesus Christ (video)


Blessed Hope Ministry

P. O. Box 2581

Springfield, VA 22152

United States of America

About the Author
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