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God's Last Messenger?

There are great contradictions between the Bible and the Quran. The stories of the Quran are distorted stories of the Bible.


Understanding Islam In The Light of Sep. 11th Attack

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World Trade Center AttackThe barbaric, horrific terrorist attacks on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, DC have caused every American to ask why did it happen? Who did it? And why do they hate us?

The investigation of the CIA and FBI has concluded that the attackers were Muslims. Does that mean that every Muslim is a terrorist? By no means. There are many decent Muslims. But while many news commentators and politicians are proclaiming that Islam is a peace-loving religion others are warning of Islamic Jihad, or Holy War.

These conflicting descriptions of Islam can be explained by examining the three types of Muslims: Secularists, Moderates, and Fundamentalists. The Quran the holy book of Islam, is used by each group to justify their way of thinking.

Three Types Of Muslims
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