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Message from Dr. Labib

We recorded The Radical Differences Between Christianity and Islam series because we care for all people, and desire that all would know the truth.

Islam & Chritianity

Muslim's Paradise, and Christian's Heaven


Q5. Dr. Labib, can we talk a little bit about Muslim's Paradise, and Christian's Heaven?


Oh, yes. Well, Muslim Paradise is described in the Quran in very plain words. And in surat Mouhammed, surat number 47, verse 15, and I am reading from the Quran, so anyone who is watching could go back to the Quran and make sure that I have said that, the description of Paradise which have been promised, it said in it are rivers of water that taste and smell of which are not changed. Rivers of milk, of which the taste never changes. Rivers of wine, delicious to those who drink . And rivers of clarified honey. There are in for them in every kind of fruit, and forgiveness from their lord. So in the Muslim Paradise you'll find rivers of waters, rivers of milk, and rivers of wine. The most interesting thing, that the Quran forbids drinking alcohol. It's forbidden in any Islamic society to drink alcohol. No whiskey, no wine permitted. But in Paradise it will not be bottles, it will be rivers. You drink, and you drink, and you drink, and you drink. One time I asked a Muslim friend, "How come?" The Quran says that wine is forbidden. If it's forbidden here, why it should be permitted there? He said, "For Allah to compensate us for what we did not do during our life on Earth."

Then you go to surat Al Tor, this is surat number 52. And beginning of verse 17, another description of the Paradise of the Muslims. "Verily, the pious (righteous people, good people, good Muslims) will be in gardens (Paradise means garden, you see), and the delight, enjoying in that which their lord has bestowed on them. And their lord saved them from the torment of the blazing fire, eat (Allah is telling to the Muslims) and drink with happiness because of what you used to do." Salvation here is by works, not by faith, or not by grace. "They would recline on beds, arranged in ranks, and we shall marry them to fair women with wide, lovely eyes." Oh, how many?

If you go to the Hadis, it is said it is between 70 and 100 women for each man. Is that the eternal life we are looking to? Is that what we want to enjoy in the after life? Women with lovely, wide eyes? 70? 100? One of the writers in Egypt wrote an article, one day, and he said, "Listen, if any Muslim will marry 70 or 100 women in heaven, in Paradise I mean, I am sorry, then he will be occupied from morning to evening to them. He will not have time to think about spiritual things, about God, about anything. Women around him..." And then he said, in a mocking way, "One woman is enough to this terrible life? You want hundred of them?" But this is the Muslim anticipating. When they die, they want milk, pure water, they don't have pure water, plenty of pure water; they have gas in Saudi Arabia, but not pure water, not easy, you see, milk, wine, and pure water. Women with wide, lovely eyes, and that is all of it.

And the most important thing is that man will sleep with these 70 or 100 women each day, and the next day they will turn to be virgins again. How come? This is what they say, that they will be virgins again, and again, and again. What kind of imagination is that, and what kind of paradise is that? And the question I ask is, "Well, all right. Men, you will enjoy 70 women. What about women? How many men they enjoy? Or is paradise for men only?? So, when you go and read the Quran, you will find out that the paradise of Islam is a sensual paradise. It is not a spiritual paradise.

But then, when you go to the Bible, the difference is great. The Saducees came to Jesus Christ one time, with a question. And they said to Him, "Rabbi, we have a question for you." "All right, what is the question?" "We have seven men, seven brothers, and as you know that Moses commanded us that if someone marry a woman and he dies without living a heir, his brother will take that woman, and then the first born will be on the name of the brother who died. And then this woman, they said to Him, married one, after one, after one, until she married the seven, and then she died." And the question of the Saducees was, that is in Matthew 22:25, "now there were with us seven brothers, and the first died, and last of all, the woman died also. Therefore, in the resurrection, whose wife of the seven will she be, for they all had her?" What was the answer of Jesus? Listen, "Jesus answered and said to them: You are mistaken, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given to marriage, but are like the angels of God in heaven." Look, the Quran says you will marry women with wide, lovely eyes. Jesus says no marriage in heaven; we'll be like angels. And why should we marry? Here we marry to reproduce. I am going to die, I have to have children so life would go on. My children should marry, will have children, life will go on. But, if there is a time, a point when I am not going to die, then why children? I am not going to die. I will be here eternally. I am not in need for someone to inherit me, to be my heir. But in the Quran, it is sensual, it is sex in full detail. But in the Bible nothing like that.

Then when we come to that last book of the Bible, we have paradise lost in the book of Genesis, because of sin; we have heaven regained in the book of Revelation. And what kind of heaven? Listen on what we read in Revelation 21, "Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth have passed away; and there was no more sea." Sea is the symbol of separation. No separation, no more sea.

"And then I john I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven, from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband."

And I heard a loud voice out of heaven saying, Behold, , the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, God himself will be with them, and be their God."

Paradise lost, where God used to come and talk with Adam and Even. Heavens gain, when God will come back to talk to us. What a day! And then listen, "And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death; neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away."

"And then he who sat on the throne said, Behold, I make all things new."

This is heaven, this is what we are looking for, a place where there is no more death, no more sorrow, no more pain, not 70 women. No! We want to enjoy God himself!

Then we come to Revelation 22, and see the climax of it: "And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb."

"In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was a tree of life,..."

"And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and of the lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him;"

"And they shall see his face; and his name shall be on their foreheads."

Moses said to the Lord, "Show me your face, please! I want to see your face!" He said, "Hold it. No man can see my face and live. But there will come a day when we have the glorified bodies, and we will see the face of God himself." This is eternal life in its reality, not 70 women, or 100 women, and sensual, and rivers of wine. All that cannot go. Think about this, and you will see the authenticity of Christianity, the purity of Christianity, and compare it with Islam. You will say, "No, I cannot be a Muslim. I will never, never accept Islam as my religion."

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