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Message from Dr. Labib

We recorded The Radical Differences Between Christianity and Islam series because we care for all people, and desire that all would know the truth.

Islam & Chritianity

Questions on the Trinity for Muslims - Where did Jesus say and show that He was God?

Page 9 of 11: Where did Jesus say and show that He was God?

He did so in a variety of ways.

Jesus accepted worship in John 9:38, Matthew 8:2; 28:9; 2:2; 14:33; Luke 24:52; 28:17.

Jesus called Himself by the most Holy name of God in John 8:58.

Jesus accepted Thomas saying to Jesus, "My Lord and My God" in John 20:28.

Only God can forgive sins, and Jesus forgave sins against God in Matthew 9:2-6; Mark 2:5-12, Luke 5:20-23; 7:48-50.

Jesus would send His angels in Matthew 13:41, yet these are angels of God in Luke 12:8-9; 15:10.

Jesus said all are to honor the Son just as they honor the Father in John 5:23.

Jesus would judge the world in (Matthew 24:31-46, 25:31-3; John 5:21-22, 27). Yet is God who is coming to judge the world (Psalm 50:1-6; Joel 3:12; Deuteronomy 32:35)

There are more things, and they are listed in the tract "Proving for Muslims That Jesus is God"

Briefly, what is the Christian doctrine of the Trinity?
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